当前位置:希腊华人街分类广告 > 希腊生活服务
  广告号:6751614  浏览量:


公司介绍及主旨 Our Firm & Our Mission


公司目标 Our Aim


我们的承诺 Our Commitment


师资 Experience



服务内容 Wide range of services


1. Taxation and accounting services 会计师、税务服务


§ Maintenance of accounting books; Daily accounting operation;公司每日帐目
§ Tax returns preparation (Income tax returns, withholding tax returns, VAT return);退税服务:
§ Payroll calculation;工资评估
§ Companies tax and social security registration;公司税务、社会保险
§ Assistance during tax audits;会计税务检查
§ Representation before the tax authorities, out-of-court settlement;
§ Social security contributions assistance (IKA);申请IKA
§ Labor office, labor committee and OAED fulfillment of the obligations;办理劳工部所需的一切事务
§ AFM and Social security issuance (IKA) to Chinese who do not hold either a visa or a residence permit. Our company is in a position to offer legally AFM & IKA number to every Chinese irrespective if he/she is legally resident of Greece; 为无居留者代办社会保障号码,IKA以及AFM号码,使其在希腊基本合法化

2. Legal services 法律服务


§ Work and residence permits issuance; Assistance with any missing documentation; guarantee of obtaining of work and residence permit at the minimum time;待办工作、老板及各类居留;寻找办理居留期间所丢失的文件。
§ Provide alternative solutions in order for the work and residence permits to be much easier to be obtained (i.e. change the legal type from personal business to L.T.D which provides high reputation with almost no additional cost); 提供多种解决方案,可将个体经营公司转为有限公司或股份有限公司。
§ Assistance in day to day business related legal issues;日常法律咨询
§ Assistance in any kind of negotiation;必要时与政府部门沟通
§ Assistance in case of a court appeal;必要时律师出庭
§ Appeals before the tax courts;诉讼请求
§ Assistance for the collection of money that has become due;帮助在希华人华商以法律途径收回欠款
§ Legal registration of any kind of legal entity; preparation of every necessary documentation;注册公司以及准备所有注册公司所需的法律文件

3. Transportation, logistics and custom clearance services 运输、提关、清关服务


§ Custom clearance services of any kind of products;清关服务(空运,海运各类物品)
§ Transportation services (international & domestic);运输服务(国际,国内各类运输)
§ Warehouse services;提供库房储藏服务
§ Any other logistic related service such as international cargo insurances etc;国际国内运输保险服务

4. Travel services 旅行社票务服务代理


§ Air tickets bookings;机票预定出票
§ Boat, train, buses booking; 火车票、船票预定出票
§ Hotels bookings;希腊以及其他国家酒店预定
§ Customizing of any kind of travel tours according to your preferences;旅游服务

5. Private Insurance services 私人保险代理


§ Health and medical insurance coverage for every Chinese (legally or not legally present in Greece);健康医药保险(面对所有华人,有无合法身份均可)
§ Accident insurance coverage;人身意外保险
§ Death insurance coverage; 人身意外身亡保险
§ Replacement of the income lost due to accident (only for legally present Chinese in Greece);
§ Car & motorbikes insurance;汽车、摩托车保险
§ Real estate properties insurance coverage (against fire, flood, earthquake etc);建筑物意外保险(火灾、地震、洪水)
§ Insurance against shops or home theft, robbery & burglary;公司物品以及住宅内物品保险

6. Real estate services 房屋中介代理服务

§ Assistance in the exploration of premises for commercial use;寻找店面
§ Assistance in the exploration of apartment, houses etc;住宅
§ Negotiation with the owners;帮助您与房东沟通
§ Assistance in the research of various Greek law restrictions concerning the applicability of the premises for specific professional usages; Maximum protection of your company;依据法律,帮助您寻找店面,以及申请特殊营业执照。(餐厅、学校等)
§ Preparation of any related document concerning the rental of purchase of the premise;拟定各种租、买、卖合同

7. Other Business related services: 其他商务服务


§ Shop opening in the name of our company upon issuance of your residence permit;持牌服务
§ Guarantee by legal documentation immediately of the transfer of usage of the business to you; 公司转向。(转牌)
§ You operate your business under the fastest, safest and legal way;公司合理化建议、咨询
§ Translate service:翻译服务

总公司地址:Agisilaou 43-45, 中国城5楼,雅典,104 36
办公室电话:+30 210 5247129 / +30 210 5226924
传真:+30 210 5226923





法国总公司:Sinocom sarl
地址:47 Rue de Turbigo,
75003 Paris,France
意大利分公司:Sinocom Italia Srl
地址:Via Niccolini 29,
20154 Milano, Italia

